Learning Hebrew

1 Adar II 5784 / March 11 2024

Dearest Ones, Good Morning!

How are you today? Well I trust.

Well, I have to say that I have just realised that there is a very positive, indeed a veritable explosion of miracles happening around me today. And just one of these delightful miracles is the on-line availability of resources that are being made accessible is being able to learn Hebrew in simple and easy steps from the comfort of your own home.. or possibility in the case of you guys.. on your phone.

I have been attempting to learn this beautiful and mysterious language for hummmm possibly longer than you have been born… so yes an awful long time. I have not found it easy.

Those early teachers – whilst excellent and pioneers in the subject – never seemed to me to have much by the way of an authentic Israeli accent. It sort of sounded like my sisters attempt to speak French… with a very broad Derbyshire accent.. which was to all ears – painful. And that, is being kind.

Today I have added in a site that I can highly recommend to make the task of learning Hebrew much easier and I shall keep my fingers very crossed that you will listen hard and will be able to copy her delightful accent. (I hope at least)..

In order to engage your curiosity and encourage you in your studies I am going to leave this little video here for you.


(transliteration: v-ha-Vuh) (meaning ‘with love’)

Author: Ahavah

This sums me up perfectly. Child of Adonai Elohim. Saved by the Grace of God through faith. Yeshua is HaMaschiach. Truth Seeker.