New Moon Tonight?

As I wait with great anticipation the announcement that the New Moon has been sighted in Jerusalem. I doubt very much it will be seen from my own house, too much light pollution and being in a valley does not really help.

This new moon heralds the beginning of ‘year’ and is such is considered in ancient times the month of ‘aviv’. I suppose I ought to record why exactly it is ‘aviv’ and why it changed over time, but not today.

I will confess, to spending a quite lazy morning – sewing black wool stripes onto Dodi’s new Roman tunic clavi focale, many hours of hand sewing, and to pass the time I have been listening once more to Galatians. Never an easy essay from the Apostle Paul to understand, even with a willing heart.

Paul appears to be quite cross /despondent with the believing communities based in and around Galatia and he calls them to account over their – wobble – in doctrine. Essentially, Paul taught the gentile believers that it is through God’s Grace that they have faith in believing that Yehsua is the promised Messiah. And as such, there is no need to ‘become a Jew’ ie be circumcised.

This is obviously, a very very shortened version (one which I might just change). But clearly, Paul, in his own mind at least, had settled the issue and there was no need to add to or indeed, take away from the Saving Grace that God had bestowed.

YOU have been made acceptable to God – just as you are. By Faith.

Sadly, children being children – just can’t help themselves and have, over the centuries been bashing each over the heads with various decrees and creeds that God didn’t think of, doesn’t want, and certainly is, very definitely is – NOT impressed at all by our lack of loving kindness.

So I am going to do something quite unusual and share with you just what God has been laying on my heart these last few weeks:

“Lay down your arms.”

Obviously there is a wealth of background information that goes with that message. Not least an event that happened a long time ago when church members were divided over the use of Tongues in a CofE church. (Vicar against and the congregation in favour of.)

But what I am witnessing today is very much a replay of the events of 2000 years ago and the arguments that arose when Gentile peoples came to believe in a Jewish Messiah. Today I hear people saying more and more, we are in the end times or the Time of the Gentiles is fulfilled and today there is even a much greater anticipation of the Messiah’s return. And yet the infighting goes on .. and on and on…. so I shall repeat to you all…. the warning of our Heavenly Father….

“Lay down your arms.”

Food for thought:

Should Gentiles Keep Torah? (Part 1) by Ron Cantor

Should Gentiles Keep Torah? [Part 2] Ron Cantor

Author: Ahavah

This sums me up perfectly. Child of Adonai Elohim. Saved by the Grace of God through faith. Yeshua is HaMaschiach. Truth Seeker.

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