Psalm 119:133 “Guide my footsteps by your word…”

The author reflects on their daughter’s questioning of their religious practices, highlighting the growing interest in Judaism. They feel unsettled and perceive unusual events. Reports of miracles in Israel and a rise in interest in Orthodox Judaism puzzle some. The author observes a shift in spiritual beliefs, indicating a time of change.

Rabbinical Calendar: 25 Adar II 5784 / April 4 2024

New Moon Calendar (as sighted from Jerusalem): 24th day of the 13 Month / April 4 2024

Are You Awake Yet?

Guide my footsteps by your word;
don’t let any kind of sin rule me.

Psalm 119:133 CJB Biblegate

Explore this verse further:

Direct my steps by Your word,
And let no iniquity have dominion over me.

Psalm 119:133 NKJV Blue Letter Bible

A conversation with my (very non-religious) daughter this weekend was to say the least – illuminating. She inquired as to why we weren’t doing Easter – after all the Baby Jesus died on Good Friday – considering she never has asked before – and put on the spot the best I could come up with was a rather lame…

“ummmm …. because its not time yet? Passover isn’t for another couple of weeks yet.” I just got frowned at and then she said something even more surprising.

“I seen your bible – its Jewish. YOU are NOT Jewish.”

I this point (with my one brain cell now packing its bag and heading for the door) – I did manage to rally with a “its The Complete Jewish Bible – its got the New Testament in it….” I was subjected to more frowning.

Surprisingly, Dodi came to my rescue and explained simply that Jesus WAS Jewish. You could actually see the wheels turning around in her head. It was fascinating to watch.

“Well, when did all this happen then?” she wanted to know…

Dodi, a man of very few words replied, “its evolving.”

Evolving faith or evolving times?

Over the last few days I have been thinking about this. Actually if truth be known, things have been ruminating for a couple of weeks now. I haven’t been sleeping well. I have been having weird dreams and I have an uneasy feeling. Or to be more honest – I have an uneasy Word. Or to be very honest – several very uneasy Words and an observation. I am not quite ready to share just yet. Definitely more mulling over is needed. What I can say is that ‘something’ weird is happening. Definitely happening. And yes, definitely weird. And things are moving faster and faster.

Reports of miracles are coming out of Israel re the Hamas attacks – soldiers and civilians are being miraculously hidden and supernaturally saved by the LORD (YHVH)… there is more …. the interest in Judaism has increased substantially since October 11 2023. I watched a one and half hour debate on an Othordox Jewish YouTube channel about the numbers of Christians leaving the Christian church and ‘joining’ with Orthodox synagogues. I got the impression that they were shocked by this phenomena and slightly puzzled. Shocked because (and purely my opinion) of the past violent history between Jews and Christians and puzzled by the fact that these people that were switching religious branches – were not converting to Judaism, but were for all intense purposes following ‘Torah’ ie keeping Shabbat on Saturday, observing the Jewish festivals and Holy Days and so on. I did have to smile at the panel members reaction, but true the their loving stoic Orthodox nature they were doing their absolute utmost to put recognise these new additions, give them a title – “Noahide proselyte” was mentioned on several occasions. But one thing above all that was plain to see.. their shared joy and amazement that so many were now seeking to learn more about the Jewish faith.

Wonderous times indeed.


(transliteration: v-ha-Vuh meaning ‘with love’)

Author: Ahavah

This sums me up perfectly. Child of Adonai Elohim. Saved by the Grace of God through faith. Yeshua is HaMaschiach. Truth Seeker.